Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The six types of difficult co-workers

It’s hard enough to deal with these kinds of people in the wild, but when they’re your co-workers, it can be dreadful. Recognize any of these types?

The Steamroller
This is the bully of the group – always interrupting, insulting, and yelling. We all know those types.

The Sniper
These are the folks who hide in the back of room, always sniping – taking shots at everyone, constantly nitpicking back at you, sending out comments, etc. They always want to do this from “under cover.” If you call them on it they say, “Oh, I’m just kidding,” or, “Can’t ya take a joke?” or, “I didn’t say anything!” They always have a comment.

The “Can’t Say No” Person
Will not say no to work. The problem is they won’t say no, they won’t say no, they won’t say no . . . and then they finally just collapse!

The Know-It-All
Do I have to say anything else? Need I say more? They know it all!

The Complainer
Chronic complainers! Chronic whiners! To them, life is one big complaint!

The Staller
The Indecisive Staller. This is the person who just will not make a decision. They will not commit to anything; they are always stalling.

The Empty Promiser

This is the person who says he’ll send you that information or write up that report but never does. You waste so much time reminding him of his promise that you might as well have done it yourself.

The Scatter-Brain
This one just can’t seem to get it together. Can become the Empty-Promiser if left unchecked.

Got any to add?


S R I R A M | January 22, 2009 at 10:33 PM  


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