Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Four tactics for career success in 2009

1. Write down specific goals. The key words in that statement are write down andspecific. Here’s why - when you commit yourself to something in writing, you are more likely to refer to it, manage it, and make running changes to it. It works better than just “telling yourself” your goals. And, if your goals are not specific they are not as “concretized.” They’re less likely to be actionable.

2. Do a SWOT analysis on yourself. This stands for: Strengths - what you’ve got going for you and what makes you stand out in comparison to others. Weaknesses - what you need to work on, things that can hold you back, or make you a more likely candidate for the next round of layoffs. Opportunities - what you can use to your advantage to improve your situation. Threats - what can derail your plans and aspirations.

With #1 and #2 in hand, you’ve got the makings of a sound career plan. And 2009 is a good time to have such a plan.

3. Ensure your loved ones are covered. You’ve got the career plan together. Now, noodle about those whom you want in your life over the long term. Many people are so consumed with the economy and their career that they are ignoring their friends and family. If you want to have a life with some balance, treat these people with importance. Make it worth their while to stay a part of your life.

4. Self promote. There’s no better way to stand out from the crowd. I don’t mean becoming a glory hog that nobody wants to be around; just helping those in a position of influence over your career to recognize that you’re a keeper and should be kept happy. This can be as simple as having a regular meeting with your boss to brief her/him on what you’ve accomplished, or sending a bi-weekly e-mail update to outline your current activity and plans. If the environment doesn’t accommodate that type of communication, use chance meetings to keep her updated e.g.: In the elevator ride leaving the office, if Boss asks “How are things?,” rather than talk about your health, try something like, “Great! The new software is running well and we’re hearing positive feedback from everyone.


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